Online Writing: What Do I Write First?

As a beginning online content writer, you are probably overwhelmed and don't know what to do first.  At times things may get so frustrating that you want to just quit and give up.  However, when it comes to writing and making money online, you have to be in it for the long haul or you will most definitely never be successful.  Just read, research and learn the basics.  Don't get bogged down and think that you have to learn everything at one time. 

So, what should you write first?  This will probably depend on your level of  computer expertise.  When I first started as an online content writer, I felt comfortable working on a computer.  I classified myself as being on an intermediate level when it came to computers.  After all I worked in the accounting profession for 15 years before I ventured into online writing.  I was familiar with spreadsheets, workbooks, word documents, files and most of the computer basics that would get you through a stressful workday.

However, I was like the average person that worked in a office, when something went wrong with my computer I quickly called the IT department.  I hated screwing with messed up computer systems.  I actually left a job once because the company had such an antiquated computer network.  (That job required too much manual work that I refused to do on my own.)  As a result of being spoiled in corporate America, I did not know the first thing about affiliate links, creating your own web pages, blogs, rss, twittering and all of the wonderful things that make the internet special.

I almost gave up on my goal of having my own writing business because I was frustrated with using a computer on an advanced level.  Remember, you will be on your own.  You won't have the luxury of calling an IT professional to help you when things go wrong.  In order to work online, you must be knowledgeable about how to operate a computer and how to fix things when they go wrong. 

In order to transition into online writing, start out with something extremely simple.  I'm quite sure that there are plenty of online information  that will tell you to get your own website with its own domain.  Don't mess with this yet because you will only get confused.   Actually, start on an even simpler level.  Hang out at a few forums.  Make comments on blogs. When you are more comfortable and on a more advanced level of using the computer, start a FREE blog.

Start a blogger blog and write posts on a topic that you know and can easily write about without any stress.  Just let the writer side of you take over.  Don't attempt to be an internet marketer at this stage.  Just get accustomed to being a writer. Continue researching about online content writing, but just take little steps.  Don't rush.

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