Freelance Internet Writer or Internet Marketer?

I want to write and make money online.  Does this make me a freelance internet writer or an internet marketer?  I guess I am a little bit of both.  It was purely by mistake that I got into freelance writing.  Actually, I was online one day looking for information on how to start my own home-based bookkeeping business and I stumbled upon all of this great information about freelance writers.

All of this new information was absolutely fascinating.  I found myself wanting to learn everything there was to  know about online content writing and internet marketing.  I was completely amazed at how I had been surfing the web for years, but up until this point did not truly understand how it really works.  It seemed so strange to be so close to something and not really seeing it's true design. The internet is an amazing platform.

The internet provides so much opportunity.  Until I started reading more and more online information, I knew that this was the profession that I wanted to be in.  I love accounting, but I also love to write.  I finally realized that I could start my own writing business and on top of that do my own bookkeeping for MY business.  That is my ultimate goal.

I've learned so much within the last year about online content writing and internet marketing.  I would find myself literally researching for 15 or maybe sometimes 20 or more hours a day.  And yes, you can become overwhelmed by all of the interesting information on the subject.  Sometimes I would become frustrated as a result of "information overload.  I started to procrastinate and over analyze everything to the point that I was too scared to start anything. 

I wanted to be perfect before I started my business.  I even fretted about what I would actually call myself.  Am I a  freelance internet writer or  an internet marketer?  I shouldn't have to choose between the two titles. After all, if you want to make a consistent income on the internet, you have to know how to do both or either outsource.  I figure that I will take my time and do what makes me happy... and that is both.  I finally just jumped in and started writing.  jfjones writing is a result of that jump.

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